
The Base Apparel landing page is a "coming soon" page designed to give users a preview of the website's layout and functionality before it is officially launched. I built the page using HTML5, CSS, CSS Grid, Flexbox, JavaScript, and DOM. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size. The page also includes hover states for all interactive elements, as well as error messages for incorrectly formatted or empty form submissions.


Frontend Mentor Challenge

Desktop version

Desktop landing page screenshot

Mobile version

Mobile landing page screenshot


The News Homepage is a landing page for a website that provides users access to latest news about tech. I built the page using HTML5, CSS, CSS Grid, and JavaScript. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size. The page toggles the mobile menu and includes hover states for all interactive elements.


Frontend Mentor Challenge

Desktop version

News homepage desktop screenshot

Mobile version

News homepage mobile screenshot


The is the Product preview card component. I built the page using HTML, CSS, and Flexbox. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size.


Frontend Mentor Challenge

Desktop version

Product review card desktop screenshot

Mobile version

Product review card mobile screenshot


This is a digital implementation of the classic game known as the Simon Game. Players can initiate the game by pressing either the start button or any key. The game presents players with a sequence of tiles to click, which become increasingly complex as they progress through levels. In the event of an incorrect pattern, the game will notify players that the game has ended and they have the option to restart by pressing any key or the restart button. I built this game using HTML, CSS, CSS Grid, JavaScript, DOM and JQuery. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size.


Desktop version

Product review card desktop screenshot

Mobile version

Product review card mobile screenshot


Four Card Feature Section

The Four Card Feature Section is a multicolumn and responsive layout-based challenge. I built this using HTML, CSS, and Flexbox. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size.


Frontend Mentor Challenge

Desktop version

Four card desktop screenshot

Mobile version

Four card mobile screenshot


The is a dice game. It is a game of luck where the player that gets the highest number on a die wins. I built this game using HTML, CSS, Flexbox, JavaScript, and DOM. The responsive design ensures that users will see an optimal layout for their device's screen size.


Desktop version

Product review card desktop screenshot

Mobile version

Product review card mobile screenshot